by Type08 • Uploaded: May. 04 '11 - Gallerized: Mar. '12
WIP. More info coming soon.
Client work
Lets Discuss
LOL,Good one Alen %3B)
ReplyThanks buddy! :)
ReplyClever concept! Maybe a net/graph instead of the lightning bolts? Dunno. I really like this.
ReplyThanks Luma, tried several things but subtle thunder bolts always bring the energy (and attention) into the crest forms (not to mention the connection with the science, like something 'nasty' is cooking and mixing in there). :)
Replyha ha.. nice one master
ReplyThank you guys, glad yah like it!
ReplyLittle birdy told me that this baby is going to be featured in a logo design themed book published in China! :)
Replywow ! *awesome :D !
Replylove it! (:
Replygood -)
ReplyRigved, Szende, Olalb, thanks a lot peeps! :)
ReplyI like it
ReplyHa ha, clever idea, Alen.
ReplyOc and Oc, thanks! :)
ReplyIt's perfect, Alen!
ReplyThanks a lot, Sergey!
ReplyReminds me of chemistry!*Nice idea :)
ReplyYup, that was the goal here: science, lab, chemistry, physics, biology, experiments... Thanks! :)
ReplyGreat stuff Alen... on the money again.
ReplyNice logo, and it's scientifically provable that it works! :)
ReplyHahaaa guys, thank you!
Replyso clever, love it!
ReplyThank you, Josh!
ReplyI love the combo of paddles and lightning bolts. Brilliant.
ReplyThanks Kimba! I supported a ping pong team for the tournament in Austin, Texas with this logo so anyone in the area might see it in the media soon.
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