High Calling Church

by Brandsanity • Uploaded: Apr. 30 '11


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Description: Logo design for a coastal based church. The mast is represented by a cross and the sea resembles clouds.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 10659

Lets Discuss

ColinTierney Apr. 30 '11

knew this one was yours

brandsanity Apr. 30 '11

Haha, maybe I need to shake it up a little then?!

simon™ May. 02 '11

If I could describe this logo in one word .... ABSOLUTELY BLOODY BRILLIANT! You are extremely talented, and still at college, right? Damn, wish I had been this good back then. Can't imagine what you'll be like when you're my age. Wow!

lumavine May. 02 '11

Great work! Cool to see something interesting done with a cross!

brandsanity May. 03 '11

Wow thanks Simon, haha that's probably the best thing anyone's ever said about my work - it really means a lot especially coming from someone in the industry and with your portfolio! Thanks man.**Cheers Luma, appreciated


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