River Jam Soccer Tournament Logo

by levelb • Uploaded: Apr. 24 '11


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Description: Another version of this logo. The client really liked my Fun in The Run logo and wanted it to look alot like that. This was the final one chosen.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 21143

Lets Discuss

lumavine Apr. 24 '11

Great job! I like the J/R combo, it really works and is still very readable.

logomotive Apr. 24 '11

Really hope its for the same client.

levelb Apr. 24 '11

Thanks Lumavine!**@logomotive - Normally I wouldn't re-use a logo concept like that but the Fun in the Run logo was for my small neighborhood fest last year. It was pro-bono and they didn't care if I re-used it, especially for something that was in another state.

logomotive Apr. 24 '11

Well both are very Good. As long as you have bases covered if you know what I mean :)

levelb Apr. 24 '11

Thanks Logomotive! I totally understand where you are coming from.

logoboom Apr. 25 '11

Great use of magneto*

levelb Apr. 26 '11

Thanks Glen! Did a little bit of modifying to get it to my liking.


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