Impudia Games

by andypelotas • Uploaded: Mar. 27 '11


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Description: I was asked by a client to create a logo for his company, Impudia Games®. Impudia Games®is a young gaming company that creates educational games as a way to entice and expand the mind of children in order to successfully find passion in learning at a young age. Impudia Games® strongly believes in impulsive behavior as a method of work and play, which is reflected in the serifs of the custom made font. They believe education should be something interesting and curious; something any one can do. The logo is a stylized "I" reflecting curiosity and wonder as it resembles a diverse amount of objects. Impudia’s bouncy ball is an extension of the brand that echoes its energy and invites players and employers to pick up the ball and pass it to others.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2686

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