
by nido • Uploaded: Feb. 28 '11 - Gallerized: Mar. '11


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Description: wip...
As seen on: charge
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 13937

Lets Discuss

mcdseven Feb. 28 '11

great balance between the mark and logotype, love the mark though was thrown of by the little highlight at the top, still, great work. That type a scratch one? Love the little serif of it, kinda like a speed line... adds a little motion to it.

nido Feb. 28 '11

thanks mac... still a wip, so not sure about the highlight on the top, keep flicking between having it and not... also working out whether needs more colour on the legs... as I said... wip..**the font is actually gotham... tweaked some :) .. thanks again bud...

bigoodis Feb. 28 '11

Top rhino is energy (this is great), but the lower part is very quiet. Especially the rear legs...

Mikeymike Feb. 28 '11

sweeeet!* love the style to the rino, very strong image. very nice, nido.

contrast8 Feb. 28 '11

Yeah, it looks amazing!:)

raja Feb. 28 '11

you are so good with animals **do you have any pets

nido Feb. 28 '11

thanks all... sincerely :)**@bigoodis, I have a version where the legs seem more %22animated%22 but felt this %22quiet just before the storm%22 look said a lot more :)**@Raja.. lol... if I do have pets I can't recall where I put them...

Chad Sanderson Mar. 01 '11

Yeah, looks like he's about to turn something into paste. Nice!

barryconvex Mar. 01 '11

As already mentioned, I think the highlight is only distracting: because it's (compared with the eye) huge, in the middle and at the top so it seems to demand all the attention.

Rokac Mar. 01 '11

Honestly, that highlight is a great touch. Looks perfect to me, I wouldn't charge anything.

Sean Heisler Mar. 01 '11

The light work on the feet and the little touch on the shoulder helps give the illusion of %22bulk%22 and dimension. I'm sure Nido could have gone for sheer simplicity here but the outline and light work takes it to another realm of design, but yet it's still simple. It's a very neat mark.

lkwdart Mar. 01 '11

real strong. it charges alrite!

nido Mar. 01 '11

thank you all... individually and collectively...**@Sean Heisler... I'm impressed by your interpretation of my design... well spotted and played.

whobee Mar. 01 '11

I think changing the angle of the rear right leg would improve the sense of coiled energy you mentioned. Otherwise I think it's a really great concept.

mrshonuff Mar. 01 '11

I dig the mark and think it it is close to finished, but what is messing with me is the light source for the highlight is different on the legs vs the one on the back. If you can figure out how to make the legs look the way you want and maintain a consistent light source, it might help. You could also shape the top highlight to give the top of the shoulder some more tension.

josephblalock Mar. 01 '11

Nice mark, and I'm glad to see you customized the type.

malicho Mar. 02 '11

i love this not too fond of the highlight on the shoulder, i wondered what that was when i saw it in the gallery.

Alisa1711 Mar. 02 '11

I like the character and the type work. Great. What else can I say? (-:

koodoz Mar. 02 '11

Best Rhino I've seen in a mark in a long while! Nice one Nido

nido Mar. 03 '11

very kind of you all to chime in with your opinions and thoughts.. appreciated...**@Rokac... lol!.. I just saw that now.. good stuff.

matjak Mar. 03 '11

Love it. Nice job :)

justinbakerdesigns Mar. 24 '11

The type fits so well with the mark!

firebrand Mar. 24 '11

Top notch mate. As is the rest of your portfolio.

nido Apr. 23 '11

%5Ethat's SO true...


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