by cresk • Uploaded: Feb. 25 '11
© Gert van Duinen | idgram
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Client work
Lets Discuss
Nice idea %26 good execution... was this for a real client or just some practice/fun?
ReplyAgree, really neat
ReplyWasn't this already here?
Reply%5E This is a repost.*%5E%5E Marked as client work.**Very cool Gert, strong.
ReplyThanks for the assistence Milou.*Yes, it was already here Stelian, but I accidentally deleted this post while I was just trying to add a couple of extra tags :)
ReplyThanks Mason %26 Richard.*This is one concept I created for a company specialised in writing optimized text based on targeted keywords. When they go for this concept, the actual name will be revealed any time soon.
Replygood job
Replyclean and meaningful. real nice work.
Reply%5E Agreed, fantastic, Gert.
ReplyThanks for your comments Jure, Mike %26 Sean, always appreciated!
ReplyThis is a lovely logo. Mike summed it up well—clean and meaningful. This is one of my personal favs.
ReplyThanks Glen, appreciate it!
ReplyCool job!
ReplyGreat.... :)
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