Piano Bar

by danieltaborda • Uploaded: Feb. 21 '11


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Description: Just for fun.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 13676

Lets Discuss

lumavine Feb. 21 '11

Cool. I feel like I have seen something similar but I am not sure where. Good job!

danieltaborda Feb. 22 '11

Yeah... Indeed,the concept is too similar. What a shame!

helvetic brands Feb. 23 '11

Your personal logo also looks familiar..

danieltaborda Feb. 23 '11

magicshadow: Thanks! It's really close. But it's a obvious idea, I bet that there are so many others.**helvetic brands: I see... But the only thing that my personal logo have simillar with your's, is the form of the D/T. And it's the same idea that I used in the older logo: http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/105597 and there are so many similar logos... So, I don't get what you mean.

nido Feb. 23 '11

%22Your personal logo also looks familiar..%22**to what exactly dache?...*

trialboj Jul. 08 '14

Really clever idea, well done.


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