
by Mikeymike • Uploaded: Jan. 05 '11


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Description: WIP. concept for a company dealing with knitting material.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2448

Lets Discuss

logomotive Jan. 05 '11

%5Egood point. Nice Mikey!

Mikeymike Jan. 05 '11

Hummm, I was wondering on that. thanks, ben

Mikeymike Jan. 05 '11

Rounded off the upper right corner of the %22N%22 and slight curve to the %22r%22. What ya think?

logomotive Jan. 05 '11

Mikey, have you thought of doing the r with a slight angle %5C? or stepdown?*

Mikeymike Jan. 05 '11

Mike, I did lower the right side of the %22r%22 a tad and gave a little curve the top, but are you saying take the right side down a little more? Maybe I'm just not following you.

logomotive Jan. 05 '11

I think it looks much better, just too hard to articulate what I mean and in the end might not be better anyhow. This looks fine as it is.

Mikeymike Jan. 05 '11

Thanks, Mike. Value your opinion and thoughts.

myway999 Jan. 05 '11

nice stuff, Mikey. maybe change the N a bit? make both upper right and left corners similar perhaps. i belive that the rounded right angle is not the best choice, it looks a bit misplaced.

alterego Jan. 05 '11

good job mate .. really good job

nitish.b Jan. 05 '11

I can c a better R formation, mikey...imo. Rest is working quite stunningly well...:)

Mikeymike Jan. 06 '11

Thanks for all the input. some good outside perspectives.

Mikeymike Jan. 07 '11

Updated the %22r%22 a little. gave it a bit of a slant and gave the %22N%22 less of a rounded corner on the right side.*The client rejected this direction, but I am still wanting it to look right. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I'm liken it now. cheers.

sdijock Jan. 07 '11

Mike - I think you're better off staying upright on the %22r%22 as opposed to slanting it like you've done - looks out of place. Dare I say it, I think you're going to have to break the continuity of the continuous script type and go with a more traditional style of r that breaks off from the rest of the type on the right side. Nice logo direction nonetheless.

Mikeymike Jan. 07 '11

Steve, appreciate the comment. It may be a bit of over kill on the curve of the right side of the %22r%22, but I think it still fits okay. I think the continues line works for the knitting theme. The client has rejected it any way, but I am just trying to make it comfortable for me at this point. Thanks for the insight. Always learning, thanks to everyone here. cheers.

Mikeymike Jan. 07 '11

Man I'm stubborn. :) One final update. Little less curvature on the %22r%22. Now, I'm happy with it, even if the client isn't. :)

logomotive Jan. 07 '11

Have you tried using comic sans there?

Mikeymike Jan. 07 '11

Yeah :) but that got shut down also. Who woulda thunk!*the most popular font of all..


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