
by ArtMachine • Uploaded: Dec. 16 '10


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Description: Logo for product concept "Cakespray": Bringing streetart to your kitchen. With cakespray you can garnish your pastries with gaudy colors and wild flaours. Simple, exact and fast usage with semi-transparent stencil sheets containing letters, symbols & patterns. See the concept on the dribbble link above.
As seen on: dribbble
Status: Student work
Viewed: 7739

Lets Discuss

AlexWende Dec. 23 '10

This is cool! It's student work, do you decided to study design?

Art Machine Dec. 23 '10

Thanks Alex. Yep, started %22Communications Design%22 this Octobre :)

AlexWende Dec. 23 '10

That's nice to hear, congrats! I'm sure the qualifying exam was just peanuts with your skills :) Hope I get the chance to study design one day...I feel like I missed something


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