by NoeticBrands • Uploaded: Dec. 11 '10
An idea exploration for a shoe maker who's specialty is 100% customized footwears. Thus its a head (inteligence) over heels . A person can choose or present their own design of the footwear.
Work in progress
Lets Discuss
looks realy interesting:)
Replysome colors and depth. feedback would be great guys!
ReplyBTW Thanks Deividas!
ReplyWow, it is so clever. Very nice work.
ReplyReally clever! Not sure about how the blue ends at the bottom. You might consider making the feet more prominent than the head given the industry. The text seems a bit unresolved, but this is a fantastic concept and great execution!
ReplyBrilliant work.
Reply%5EI agree. Type needs work though.
ReplyThanks guys. I'll see what I can do. The cl likes the font at the moment but I'll try more options.!
ReplyGreat concept, Noetic!
ReplyThanks guys :)
ReplyClever indeed. Well done.
ReplyThank you! :)
ReplyVery clever idea. Have you experimented with adding small vertical lines extending from the tip of the %22arms%22 upwards. I'm not sure if it would help or complicate things, but it may add an implied hand and strengthen the idea of a leg attached to the feet.**Just my ramblings, but I really like it.
ReplyThanks Jedah. Yes I tried that before. But it makes it a little busy and makes it look like I'm trying too hard to say something. :). But I appreciate your comments.!
Replythis is smarttttt :)
ReplyWow, I missed this one somehow Riz. Great idea!
Replygood idea!
ReplyThanks Andrej and Radek!
ReplyGood idea, but I think %22arms%22 are too long
ReplyWTH.. its abstract man!. next thing you can point out is %22 oh the there is no hair or gender visibility%22 :). Its abstract man but I appreciate you comments!
Replyyep ... you (both) are right ... art is what you see in it ... %3BD
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