
by Mikeymike • Uploaded: Nov. 17 '10 - Gallerized: Dec. '10


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Description: WIP. Client wanted to see versions with type only. What do you think? (type only)
Status: Client work
Viewed: 6903

Lets Discuss

Mikeymike Nov. 18 '10

Thanks for the comment, Alen. I agree with the type only direction, I think it would be more memorable long term. I based this off a memory of a small canister, with similar type on it, that my dad use to buy, it contained small round pieces of flint that you would stick in an old cigarette lighter to cause a spark and ignite the flame. Can't remember the name and can't find it any where but always remembered it. Don't know why. Memories aren't they something. :) Thanks again for the comments Alen, always appreciate your point of view.

atomicvibe Nov. 18 '10

THAT'S HOT! (see what I did there?) Mike, this logotype is absolutely fantastic. It really fits the tone of the client's business. I totally get a firestarting vibe from it. Job well done, man!

Mikeymike Nov. 18 '10

thanks, jon. client is still leaning for the icon version, but was willing to look this direction, so the creative continues. :) So I appreciate the comment.

atomicvibe Nov. 18 '10

While the icon is nice unto itself, I really don't think the mark needs one, because this type is just so damned sexy all by itself. I sure do hope the client goes with this version.

Mikeymike Nov. 18 '10

thanks, jon, i'm trying to get them there. But as you know their call counts. they are good to work for though, so that's always a plus.

Mikeymike Dec. 09 '10

Just got word from the client, they are going to use this design. They said they may want to bring in the fire graphic from the other design down the road, but only for background graphics. I'm glad they went this route. Thanks for all the comments everyone.

nido Dec. 13 '10

excellent again...

Mikeymike Dec. 13 '10

thanks, nido (again), yeah I'm glad the client is going just on the type route.

JoePrince Dec. 13 '10

Much stronger with type only IMO. Great.

Mikeymike Dec. 13 '10

thanks, joe. means a lot coming from you big hitters. seriously.

atomicvibe Dec. 13 '10

Awesome news, Mike! The client made a wise decision. Very happy for you!

myob Dec. 13 '10

Definitely this one! As a mark for a fire starter, it would look good even on a car - reminds me of Ferrari a bit.%0D*Set the fire blazin', oh yeah! (:

mcdseven Dec. 13 '10

love this, love this, that is fantastic type. Yer pretty much a big hitter yourself Mikey, stuff doesn't come much better than your work. Well done.

Mikeymike Dec. 13 '10

kinds words, Paul. thank you.

milou Dec. 13 '10

You rock, Mikey!

Mikeymike Dec. 13 '10

lots of kind sugar out there today. Thanks, milou and U2 Michael.

richardbaird Dec. 13 '10

Really lovely type work.

mh Dec. 13 '10

once again, really nice work here, mikey :)

crislabno Dec. 13 '10

Mikey. that's a fine piece of excellent type.

deiv Dec. 13 '10

what a wordmark... i say WOW! impressive %3B)

pjmaster Dec. 13 '10

Mike, this is sooo good :)

Mikeymike Dec. 13 '10

richard, mh, cris, deiv and jovan, thanks for the nice comments. thanks for taking the time.

lecart Dec. 13 '10

i think the mark is great as well, could be used efficiently separately. when seen together, they kind of overpower each other.

Mikeymike Dec. 13 '10

Stelian, that's what I threw at the client also. After they reflected on that a bit the agreed. we may bring it in later, just as a design element in some packaging down the road. Small company, so we are starting small. I hope it goes good for them. Nice client and good people.

serhos Dec. 13 '10

I'm sure such a works don't need a mark next to it! It's strong enough!

Hayes Image Dec. 13 '10

Yeah the mark (from prev. versions) is cool...but your type is very strong %26 can stand on its own. :)

Mikeymike Dec. 13 '10

hi, hayes. thanks, mate means a lot.

sbj Dec. 13 '10

very strong ... HOT

Mikeymike Dec. 14 '10

sbj, allan, bilebo, contrast8 and Alen, thanks so much for the comments. really glad the client went this route.

oronoz ® Dec. 14 '10

I think is Beautiful!! :)

Mikeymike Dec. 14 '10

thanks, oronoz. means a lot.

andrewrose Dec. 19 '10

Love that type mano. Bookmarked that one!

Mikeymike Jan. 31 '11

thanks for the kind comment there, Kanze.


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