
by Mikeymike • Uploaded: Nov. 09 '10


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Description: WIP. product is a half inch cube made of a petroleum product that will burn even after being submerged in water. This will help you get your camp fire started. (Name may change.) just curious to get feed back on whether this is working or not. thanks. V1 can be seen at
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1963

Lets Discuss

Alexander Nov. 10 '10

Very nice type complimented by a decent mark. I'd say it works. Nice one.

Mikeymike Nov. 10 '10

thanks for the comments, josh, vernics, Alex and lecart, I really appreciate it.

Mikeymike Nov. 10 '10

thanks for the floats guys.

oronoz ® Nov. 10 '10

I really love this one!

Mikeymike Nov. 10 '10

thanks a bunch, oronoz.

myob Nov. 10 '10

V2 waves more enthusiastically at my eyes, that's a definite. V1 has a... how should I put it, %22greater area of effect%22 with the flames. The ones here are narrow and look good, though I think that if you tried to make their width something in between the V1 and V2 (%22balance%22 it out?) then it would appear even stronger. Just a thought.

Mikeymike Nov. 10 '10

thanks for the comments, myob.

Mikeymike Nov. 11 '10

thank you Michael. always a treat to get a compliment from you.

JoePrince Nov. 12 '10

Real good here too Mikey.

Mikeymike Nov. 15 '10

Thanks, Joe. yeah I think it works on white too. I am thing of going with just the type alone. I will post and will look forward to any thoughts on that direction.*thanks, man.


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