by filipev • Uploaded: Oct. 13 '10
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I don%B4t see the relation with dream, unless you mean a palace you%B4d like to own yourself. Im just thinking out loud now, but what if you put that palace on a cloud? Or is that too clich%E9?
Hm. I think I'll try that later tomorrow :P. Thanks for the feedback %5E%5E.
hi filipev.. are you megaxx?
Yes, I am :p. Why?
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I don%B4t see the relation with dream, unless you mean a palace you%B4d like to own yourself. Im just thinking out loud now, but what if you put that palace on a cloud? Or is that too clich%E9?
ReplyHm. I think I'll try that later tomorrow :P. Thanks for the feedback %5E%5E.
Replyhi filipev.. are you megaxx?
ReplyYes, I am :p. Why?
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