Green Dragon

by toeburn • Uploaded: Sep. 28 '10


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Description: logo designed for the Green Dragon Project
Status: Client work
Viewed: 12532

Lets Discuss

JoePrince Sep. 29 '10

He must have eaten something spicy! :) Looks awesome

raja Sep. 29 '10

i like the expression in his pose - it's a bit of a paradox**It's like he's saying %22 wait wait wait, what'd you just say? %22*then shoots out a flame at the same time giving the person no chance to explain**on the hind quarters and the elbow, I'd increase the cut-space (the white) **A nice simple design, good work

ryanlynndesign Oct. 08 '10

Very nice! At first glance, I thought it was supposed to represent an %22s%22. Nice motion.


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