
by VERG • Uploaded: Aug. 30 '10 - Gallerized: Nov. '10


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Description: For an architect that designs modern co-living houses. Original version here also published on behance
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Lets Discuss

sdijock Aug. 31 '10

LOVE the logo design - but not a fan of the colors. I think it would look better blending from a light green (at the top) to a darker green (at the bottom). But I'm assuming the green to brown blend was probably client driven. Nice logo regardless.

VERGad Aug. 31 '10

thanks sdijock, here's your suggestion. i've looked at this too long now and can't work out what's best. i still like the original brown to blue %5Bi think%5D.

Ayce Nov. 30 '10

love the colors

AlexWende Nov. 30 '10

this is pretty nice, great flow. I like these colors better.

VERGad Nov. 30 '10

Thanks Alex %26 Wende... the client in the end went for a simple grey scale version that you can see %3CA href%3D%22

VERGad Nov. 30 '10

Thanks Alex %26 Wende... the client in the end went for a simple grey scale version that you can see here

LOGOMOTIVE Nov. 30 '10

I've seen this technique used on quite a few logos with lowercase letters, but this one being so long and working for client is impressive.Very balanced and love that the strokes go the same way.Kudos.

Mikeymike Nov. 30 '10

grand piece indeed.

vasvari Nov. 30 '10

Great work and very nice the web site!

VERGad Nov. 30 '10

Wow! My first showcased logo... I was wondering why this logo was getting a bit of attention and then i noticed the little gold star. Super pumped! Thanks for the comments Logomotive, mikeymike %26 vasvari.

james ewin designs Nov. 30 '10

Great logo, these colours definitely work best.

kevbev Nov. 30 '10

I like this very much. It's lines flow with a sweet poetry.*The current colour scheme hint at an open-minded capability to accommodate further expansion to satisfy any future whim to alter the basic palatte... like a child's slow changing LED night lamp. Gentle but extremely strong. I look forward to seeing this animated, moving and flexing. Good solid work.

VERGad Nov. 30 '10

*correction... first 'featured' logo. Thanks for the kind words James %26 Alisa. Kevbev... thank you for your insight, i loved the analogy and would like to animate it down the track, but as you can tell by the basic website the client is on a shoestring budget - for now anyway.

ambaxter Nov. 30 '10

This logo is sweet! Very well done. Everything about it is pretty much near-perfect.**I'd say there might need to be a little more contrast, but that's not a big deal.

Pierro Dec. 01 '10

Remind me abc logo.

VERGad Dec. 01 '10

@ ambaxter: too kind - thanks heaps. the logo the client chose was grey scale and has more contrast, but i like this version and the original colour scheme more. *@ ahmetbarin: thanks heaps*@ pierro: thanks also, i hadn't seen this before but it does share resemblance, especially my black %26 white version. i guess with the thousands upon thousands of logos posted there's probably others out there that share similar technique.

raja Dec. 02 '10

what a nice rhythm...boing boing boing**

myway999 Dec. 02 '10

nice shot.i love this!

VERGad Dec. 02 '10

thanks raja %26 myway999 and everyone that's floated my logo so far.*Also thanks logopond%3B it really made my week to have my work included in the Gallery - so many beautiful logos, created by such talented designers are chosen and i'm really chuffed to see mine sitting amongst them. you beauty!

OksanaZhe Dec. 04 '10

sand and sea waves. wonderful!

VERGad Dec. 04 '10

nicely spotted Oksanazhe, with this colour scheme i was going for that sea %26 beach vibe as the client lives by the ocean and most of the developments will be coastal. He's also a keen surfer.

walan21 Jan. 10 '11

perfect, love the waves

gjrdesign Feb. 02 '11

Nice type, but some difficulto to read. O and A a little confused.

wizemark Feb. 02 '11

%5Ethere is no A. cool stuff.

vergad Feb. 02 '11

@gjrdesign: did you mean the 'e'?*@wizemark: thanking you kindly

chrisjansen Feb. 04 '11

The only thing I don't really get is why the logo is so rounded... When i look at the site the houses are really square, just like the lay-out of the site. It just don't seem to match... **But i like the logo :)

vergad Feb. 06 '11

@ chrisjansen... great feedback and a good observation. I do see where you're coming from although, the clients brief wasn't to have a logo that reflected the style of his architecture, but to embody what the cobode housing model represents%3B which is co-living arrangements. People living under the one roof whether it be boarding houses or people with special needs. This unity/ connection is part reason for the joining of the letters and I wanted to portray comfort and reliability using a repetitive and consistent round form. I did take your feedback to the client and he wanted me to say he’s just designed an igloo style house for a client (dead serious), so we may see more curves entering his style in the future.

sean heisler Mar. 18 '11

Every time I run across this I love to just stop and look at it for a while.

JoePrince Mar. 18 '11

%5EMakes two of us. Sweet stuff man.

vergad Mar. 18 '11

Thanks a million Sean %26 Joe. Both you guys have amazing showcases.

megashred13 Jul. 13 '11

Stop in to stare at this color combo every now and it.....

vergad Jul. 13 '11

cheers buddy... i'm glad you like.

nickhood Aug. 02 '11

Great flow. Great colors.

vergad Aug. 07 '11

I've just spent a bit of time today giving the branding style guide a facelift. you can see it here.

Bernd Aug. 24 '11

hard candy this one !!

temeshi Dec. 22 '11

I love playing with type that way!

vergad Dec. 27 '11

fun huh! especially when it all comes together.


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