by milou • Uploaded: Aug. 25 '10
Web & Mobile Design+Development Company.
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love it milou! looks great with background..
Replythought this might be yours...
ReplyWhat does the mark represent Milosz?
ReplyLetter V and crown Joey.**James %26 Steve - Thank you very much mates!
ReplyAh, I'm a little slow today, sorry. Nice man.
ReplyHeheh no probs buddy :) Btw, How are the things going with you lately?
ReplyNicely colors Milosz as always. Really nice.:)
ReplyThis is nice, great job Milou
ReplyDoing well my man. School just started this week so super busy again, all classes I enjoy though. How's everything on your end?
ReplyBreno thank you my friend, and thanks for the kind words Savael, lighthouse is lovely!
Replylove the central part of mark. I think if it would be possible to simplify the mark to this part :)
ReplyI like this, Milou. Great looking :)
ReplyJoey: Good to hear that bro. Nothing better than the classes that you enjoy! Doing quite good too, I'm having one moth left to the end of the holidays, and then the last semster will start, it will be stressful...**Thank Ivan for stepping by, glad you think so. I just wanted to put the attention to the central part, because Vulsai is Bulls Eye from Spanish.**Cheeeers Davi!
ReplyMan I think that the side parts is forced to think about them, detracting from the central part of the logo.
Replynice mark, i agree with bigoodis:)
ReplyLove it, Milosz :)
ReplyNice one buddy! Great color as always!
ReplyYour talented M. Keep em coming bloke!
ReplyIvan, Deividas - I see your points. Maybe less distracting colors would be better? What do you think?**Ali, Michael, Johnny - Thank you very much good fellas!
ReplyNice one
Replycolours are amazing
ReplyHeheh, tak myslalem po thumbnailu, ze to Twoje :-)
ReplyLeiliu, Palattecorner - Cheeers mates! Glad you liked it.**Dobrze slyszec Jan :-)
ReplyGreat! very good :). İn the hands of health.
ReplyDon't know what word is on the beginning of the first sentence of yours, cheers anyway!
Reply@Milosz: I think that is worth keeping so. That logo is more unusual. I needed time to think about it :)
Reply%5E Heheh, glad to hear that Ivan, thanks very much :)
ReplyWhile it is perhaps more unusual with the side parts, I think it would be much stronger without. That central sheild/crown/V is really sweet.
Reply%5E second that
ReplyCheers gents, I will stick with this version and with version without the side parts (:
Replysweet!! :D
ReplyThank you Kliment!
ReplyThis one please %3B)
ReplyHeheh, cheers Nikita!
ReplyThanks, I'm glad you like it.
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