Premium Health Care

by dotflo • Uploaded: Aug. 06 '10 - Gallerized: Aug. '10


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Description: Logo for an elite health care service, the owner is greek, and he wanted to emphasize that somehow, so the first thing that came to my mind was the ancient Greece God of medicine, Asclepius and his rod, a symbol that is well known for medical services. The snake's shape creates letter P. The crown is there to emphasize the elitist character of the service. This is the final version, the client wanted a color change, he went on using this color scheme.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 22816

Lets Discuss

JoePrince Aug. 06 '10

The colors in this one are very strong. Looks awesome.

dotflo Aug. 06 '10

thanks joe, mike, appreciate

Mikeymike Aug. 06 '10

good show. very cool.

bartodell Aug. 06 '10

Very nice! Nice work!

AMP Aug. 06 '10

very thoughtful and well done!

dotflo Aug. 06 '10

sure is good to be in the gallery :)), thanks everyone

andreiu Aug. 06 '10

excellent work mate! i'm more than impressed!

dotflo Aug. 06 '10

hehe andreiu thanks, means a lot

!mude Aug. 06 '10

This is really good. I can't think of anything that could be improved. Everything is perfect - love it.

Lecart Aug. 06 '10

Really great work !

oronoz ® Aug. 06 '10

Fantastic job here!!

dotflo Aug. 06 '10

thanks a lot guys, *@mude, let's hope the client feels the same way:)*

alexanderspliid Aug. 08 '10

Well derseved gallery spot, no doubt this is great work.

dotflo Aug. 09 '10

thanks guys, appreciate it

skeermes Aug. 18 '10

It is well done, except that the snake in the medical logo is symbolic of disease, the rod is symbolic of the killing of the %22disease%22. I would just move the crown to the rod. Because now it is emphasizing the elitist character of the disease.

gary Aug. 18 '10

i love the mark, nice! premium definitely!*skeermes, im sure you are a very good designer as in u do really research for the brief.

dotflo Aug. 18 '10

@skeermes, i have to disagree, try to google Asclepius, you will see why :P*thanks gar and frank

skeermes Sep. 03 '10

Fair enough, I suppose there could be more than one story behind it all. I know that Christians see it as I said previously.

dotflo Sep. 29 '10

I will disagree again my friend, *the serpent is seen as a symbol that unites and expresses the dual nature of the work of the physician, who deals with life and death, sickness and health.**Here are a few links if you care to read:)*

fardamm Sep. 30 '11

very nice . I think if the crown be in line with rod , it looks better .


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