Range-Fed Beef

by Mikeymike • Uploaded: Jul. 26 '10


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Description: WIP. Cattle that are fed on grass only.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 2020

Lets Discuss

Mikeymike Jul. 27 '10

thanks, zu. still working on this one.*

Mikeymike Jul. 27 '10

has anyone seen this before? just curious.

firebrand Jul. 27 '10

Mike has a similar idea but very different executions:** http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/63738

firebrand Jul. 27 '10

Just wondering if you could foreshorten the horizontal wire to create ears?

Mikeymike Jul. 27 '10

thanks for the link to Mike's design. I think its a different enough direction. Don't want to step on his designs. I was hoping to keep the extended barbed wire because these are pasture, grass-fed cattle and i thought seeing the full wired made the fenced in pasture more clear visually.*thanks for the feed back, firebrand.*I may have to go a completely different direction. anyway

Type and Signs Jun. 16 '12

I visited your folio ... and ... bang ... what a great shot this is ... that's so creative , maybe too smart ... so float and fave from your biggest fan ...


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