
by senangh • Uploaded: Jul. 15 '10 - Gallerized: Aug. '10


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Description: e shape
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 18355

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Jul. 15 '10

Nice interpretation of the infinity symbol.

javiershock Aug. 01 '10

wow! i didn't get it at first look but really good concept!

patriciape Aug. 02 '10

great, and nice color indeed

niteshthapa Aug. 03 '10

nice.. :)*u can give a bit of shade beneath the lower part if the %22e%22 just to make it a bit legible %3B)**but otherwise gr8 idea :)

thomas Aug. 04 '10

Very good work Sinan. Even if I clearly like the type treatment (part of the top part of the /y which looks slightly unbalanced comparing to the other letters, mainly the /u), I have a stupid question. Why have you decided to treat the /e differently than others, meaning cutting and so discontinuing the continuity (infinity) feeling you have greatly created between the other letters? Anyway that's a very work.


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