by NoeticBrands • Uploaded: Jul. 14 '10
Description: will be a community for garden designs where people who have a garden are invited to come and start a contest to get their own garden designed. Gardenes from around the globe participate in the contest and the winner gets paid the prize.
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so has this**Maybe it's the same person?
Reply%5EI think you're right Mike. Either that or it's the biggest rip off of several logos from the same portfolio :)
Reply%5E :) and then the ripped one floats the ripped ones :)
ReplyTerry, in order to avoid further confusion :) you should delete one of your portfolios here :)
Reply%5E Probably he forgot the password, like some earlier cases %3B)
ReplyMy appologies fellows! I am trying to burry Terry Bogard. %3B)%0D*I have deleted all the logos from Terry Bogard. %0D*@Mike. No I havent forgotten any passwords...its just rebranding ! Thanks for pointing out assured there are no ripps %3B)
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