Pineapple Express

by j-CAZ • Uploaded: May. 19 '10


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Description: Logo for a smoothie/daiquiri shop. WIP
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 6794

Lets Discuss

j-CAZ May. 19 '10

I'd love some feedback guys and gals, thanks.

JoePrince May. 19 '10

I think it looks nice. Couple of things maybe...IMO there should be a better connection between the mark and type%3B placing the pineapple behind the type a little so there's some overlap might do that. Also, the outer stroke could be a little thinner. Sweet stuff so far though!

j-CAZ May. 19 '10

Thanks Joe. I think I also need to add a bit more detail to the mark so it's more obvious as being pineapple.

j-CAZ May. 21 '10

Updated based on comments. Thanks Joe.


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