Jolly Donkey

by myway999 • Uploaded: May. 03 '10


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Description: wip
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Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 4114

Lets Discuss

myway999 May. 03 '10

ideas, critiques and advices are pretty welcome. Thanks.

alexanderspliid May. 03 '10

hmm, i'd say you should try simplifying the donkey even more, or parhaps make it more illustrative?. Either way could work, but this is too little of each. Did that make sense?

myway999 May. 03 '10

hmm, thanks alexander, yes, it makes sense.*Though, the client wants something more serious:p

alexanderspliid May. 03 '10

Then you should definately go for a simplified version, much more simplified actually. Sounds like the client could use a more 'corporate' typeface too.


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