Dragonara Casino

by Mattmangion • Uploaded: Apr. 15 '10


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Description: Designed for the largest casino on the island of Malta
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 7976

Lets Discuss

logoholik Apr. 15 '10

Very nice! Is that illustration original? (sorry for asking, too much cliparts here lately). If so, congrats!

JoePrince Apr. 15 '10

%5EI think that's a valid question Bojan. Nice work! (pending answer :P )

Mattmangion Apr. 15 '10

Thanks guys, no it's not a clip art.

Type08 Apr. 15 '10

Hope it'll get in use, I plan to visit Malta this summer... :) Well done!

Mattmangion Apr. 15 '10

Sure it will - it's approved for use already, controlling the use of it is the question! Happy gambling! and thanks

JoePrince Apr. 15 '10

What type is that btw?

mcdseven Apr. 15 '10

loOks like gotham light, lovely all in uppercase.

mattmangion Apr. 15 '10

Gotham light, you're right well spotted

Lecart Apr. 15 '10

only little thing that i don't like is the spitting flame. but i think it's just me. great mark!

tabithakristen Apr. 15 '10

Agreed with Lecart. Still love this though. Great work!

mattmangion Apr. 15 '10

It's supposed to be a flame in the shape of a star (client request) - thanks all for your comments

epsilon Apr. 15 '10

Am I the only one who bought Gotham for its uppercase glyphs? :))

mcdseven Apr. 15 '10

Am I the only one who bought Gotham for its uppercase glyphs? :))**I'm afraid I dont have it in opentype... but will make it my business to buy it someday. Beautiful uppercase glyphs alright.*http://typography.com/fonts/font_features.php?featureID%3D63%26productLineID%3D100008

Mattmangion Apr. 16 '10

Mcdseven if you send me an e-mail to matt@mangionlightfoot .com I can maybe %22see what I can do%22

JoePrince Apr. 16 '10

%5EDon't do it Paul, it's a sting! Matt is with the FBI :)

Mattmangion Apr. 16 '10

By the way, yesterday My dragon made it on the LP gallery for about 10 mins and was removed - i was really chuffed for like those ten minutes was gonna call my mum an all! So what criteria is there to have your stuff on the gallery? anyone?

milou Apr. 16 '10

Being in gallery is lovely...

milou Apr. 16 '10

But answering to yr question, yeh I've seen yr logo there. Don't know why it was removed... Criteria is just a creative, good piece of logo design. As it is said %22The cream of the crop, top notch identity work from very skilled designers.%22

mcdseven Apr. 16 '10

lol, I can see the headlines... irishman gets arrested for international glyph smuggling... thanks all the same Matt, but I am a big believer in paying your way through life! especially for lovely opentype fonts. what's the deal with your gallery spot?

Mattmangion Apr. 16 '10

lol, Fair enough mc, well dunno about the gallery spot but as I said it made it for about 10 mins and then it disappeared, maybe admin had second thoughts or just a slip of the mouse :)


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