Trees For Pease

by jgarnerdesign • Uploaded: Apr. 11 '10


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Description: A non-profit group for the restoration of Pease Park in Austin TX. Concept: From something small grows something large. Small actions can make a huge difference. *Finalized mark*
Status: Client work
Viewed: 9001

Lets Discuss

myway999 Apr. 11 '10

Great idea and concept! as a suggestion, i am not so keen on the type, but i like the overall look. good work!

jgarnerdesign Apr. 11 '10

@ myway999 - Yeah, I had used Archer in the original design, but the client wanted to keep it my funky and %22Austin%22.**@ ethereal: had no idea. I like that mark a lot.

ethereal Apr. 11 '10

I wouldn't have thought you had seen it, just making you aware.

Tømme Apr. 26 '10

it does look quite familiar, but yours is twice as nice.

Type08 Apr. 07 '11

Lovely mark! Any chance to see it paired up with the text part?


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